Benefits of Cordyceps to Help Treat Patients with Respiratory Tract Infection

To deal with respiratory infections, one way that is allegedly effective is by consuming cordyceps mushrooms. Being on the equator with its tropical climate, Indonesia provides an ideal environment for pathogenic organisms and diseases to develop and spread widely. One of them is a respiratory infection or ISP, which is an infection of the airways, sinuses, throat, or lungs. The main cause is a virus, but there are also bacteria that can cause respiratory infections in humans. Respiratory infections can be divided into two, namely the top (nose, sinuses, throat) and bottom (airways and lungs). In upper respiratory tract infections (ARI), diseases that affect are:
  • Flu.
  • Cold.
  • Laryngitis, infection of the larynx (voice box).
  • Tonsillitis, tonsillitis and tissue behind the throat.
  • Sinusitis, an infection in the sinuses.
While lower respiratory tract infections (ISPB) are also divided into several other types of infections, namely:
  • Asthma, inflammation of the airways constantly.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the lungs are unable to exhale normally, causing difficulty in breathing
  • Bronchitis, infection of the airways.
  • Bronchiolitis, an infection of the small airways that affects infants and children under the age of two years.
  • Pneumonia, an infection of the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs.
  • Tuberculosis (TB / TB), a persistent bacterial infection in the lungs.
Upper ISPs tend to attack children. This is because their immune system to fight the various viruses that cause infection has not been fully developed. ISPs can be transmitted from one person to another through the air (sneezing, coughing), and indirect contact through intermediary objects. It can also be caused by cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemicals, and dust. Did you know that mining is one area of ​​work where workers are vulnerable to an ISP? This is probably because the place is poorly ventilated, closed, hot, and the air contains a lot of dust, smoke, gas, steam, or mist. Respiratory or lung disease can also occur in construction workers, farmers, welders, diggers, pottery or ceramic craftsmen, or those who struggle with stone, sand, clay, straw, or metal every day. Dust levels in the air that exceed standard levels, such as in industrial cities, also correlate with respiratory problems. The risk of developing lung or respiratory disease will increase if smoking. Exposed to respiratory infections are not good. Coughing, sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, headache, sore throat, muscle aches, sputum, shortness of breath, to chest tightness you can experience if your ISP. If you don't want an ISP, you can reduce your risk of this infection by:
  • Wash your hands diligently.
  • Do not touch your mouth, eyes and nose with your hands.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Diligent in exercising.
  • Flu vaccine injections.
And fortunately, most respiratory infections can heal on their own without the need for medication or a prescription from a doctor. Simply take over-the-counter painkillers (paracetamol or ibuprofen), drink plenty of warm water, and get enough rest to ease your ISP. You can also treat ISPs with coughs to reduce phlegm in the lungs, gargle with warm water and salt solution at least once every hour, use nasal drops for nasal congestion, use an air conditioner, or consume cordyceps. Cordyceps is a fungus that lives in certain caterpillars in high mountain areas in China. Cordyceps is thought to increase immunity by stimulating cells and certain chemicals in the immune system. For this reason, cordyceps is believed to be able to treat various respiratory infections such as asthma, coughing and bronchitis. By consuming cordyceps, it is believed that asthma symptoms in adults can be reduced. However, further research is still needed for this matter. In addition to treating respiratory infections, cordyceps is believed to also be able to reduce inflammation, protect the heart, slow tumor growth and kidney disease. From eating cordyceps to taking a rest, respiratory infections can be cured easily.


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